Friday, September 28, 2012

Building a Hair Regimen - Part 2

So you've gone through all the questions outlined in Part 1 of this post and you've made your notes, now you can begin developing your hair regimen! This next step will take a little bit of effort, but only for a while, eventually when everything is figured out it will just become part of your lifestyle. 

Break down your regimen into the main areas or categories you believe fall into your daily hair care routine. These categories can vary based on each individual though there are some categories which are common to all hair types, whether your hair is natural or relaxed, a 'loose nappy' or wear locs, whether your hair is naturally curly or naturally straight. Categories include: cleansing, moisturizing, styling, touch-ups, etc. When you have your categories, based on the notes you made previously, you can make decisions about what you'll do in each category. Let's do an example...

Let's say you've made these notes: "I'm a no-fuss, no-frills kind of person, but I still like to look good and be fashionable. I do have some ability when it comes to styling my own hair though I could use some practice especially for more elaborate styles. I'm a young professional, and I need to be polished when I go to the office, since it's a fairly formal corporate setting. I wear my hair in its naturally coily state, it's about shoulder length and I've set a hair-goal to reach armpit-length by my next nappiversary. My hair is coarse, coily and prone to dryness, but it is thick and strong and in good condition."

The four categories you've decided on are: Cleansing & Deep Conditioning, Moisturizing, Styling, Length Retention. So your regimen can now begin to take shape:
a solid hair regimen helps promote discipline and
consistency - healthy hair is the ultimate end result

"Cleansing & Deep Conditioning - I will wash and deep condition every weekend. I will use a moisturizing deep-conditioner to aid with my dryness issues. My shampoo is really drying, I need to explore alternatives or treat hair with coconut oil before shampooing." 

"Styling - I will refresh or re-do hairstyles each weekend to keep my hair neat for work. The styles I am best at doing are twists and flattwists. These will be my staple styles with some professionally done braids when I need a break from styling. I will style my hair with flax seed gel which works well to keep my styles neat all week"

Just go from one category to the next and make notes based on what you currently do or would like to do. During this period you will have to experiment with different techniques and even different products until you find exactly what fits into your lifestyle and what works best for your hair. After this 'trial period' is over you'll have a solid hair regimen, supported by a strong product arsenal. It takes some effort, but it's worth it in the end in the quest for healthy hair! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Handy headwraps for bad hair days...

 All hair is good hair, but all 'hair days' aren't always good ones! Head wraps are a fabulous way to get through a "bad hair day" unscathed =) Sometimes I forget how handy headwraps can be:

You're on vacation, and you're more interested in seeing the sites that seeing about your hair? Head wraps don't take up much space in your suitcase but can be a cute accessory and handy time-saving tool! Just pack 2 or 3 head wraps in neutral colours which can go with various outfits...

On the go and your twistout starts to frizz from the humidity? A handy headwrap converts a failed twistout into a cute chunky puff.

A headwrap can take you from this:

to this, and out the door in 5 minutes.

Half-way through braiding/combing your hair and your friends call you to go hang out for a bit? =) 

Head wrap to the rescue!

Headwraps ... the ultimate 'bad hair day' fix!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Building a Hair Regimen

be consistent ... your hair will thank you for it!
Many natural newbies and anyone interested in beginning a healthy hair journey, may often wonder: “Do I NEED to develop a hair regimen? Can I just ‘wing it’ and take things as they go? Will following a regimen be difficult? Will I get bored?” Listen, I firmly believe hair should be fun, not work! So it’s not like I want to take the fun or creativity out of anyone’s hair journey, but I think developing a hair regimen can really make a huge difference in the positive results you can achieve in your quest for healthy hair!

Following a hair regimen may sound like a tedious task, but trust me the more you practise a system; eventually it becomes like second nature and it will just become part of your lifestyle. I’ve found that once I am consistent my hair thrives, from the time things get haphazard I see a change in the health of my hair. Maybe it’s all in my head =) but let's continue. If you’re like me and you tend to get bored easily you can incorporate creativity even in the habitual. For instance, if you perform a particular task routinely you can switch up the products used to achieve that task, especially if you’ve found several things that work for you. So, for example your weekly deep conditioning session can involve greek yogurt, olive oil and honey one week, or store-bought hair mayonnaise the next week, yet another week – half an avocado from your fridge with an egg for protein.

When building a regimen, here are a few things to consider:

Your Personality: Are you a “no fuss” kind of person? Then try to avoid a routine that’s too complicated or elaborate, eventually you may just get frustrated. If you’re a creative type, you may be able to incorporate several different activities into your regimen to peak your interest or several different ways to accomplish the same goal.

Your Skill Level: I know, I know, persistence has its place but let’s be real for one second here: not everyone is good at doing hair! (did I say that? =) yep!) Yes persistence pays off, but there are some people that get things right away and others who will need time to hone certain skills and techniques. So ask yourself: How comfortable do I feel doing my own hair? What techniques can I do well /do I need to work on? Maybe you can do certain aspects of the routine yourself and have someone else help you with styling, OR maybe you’re good at styling but you really tangle your hair when you wash. Evaluate your skills honestly and then decide what you can improve with practice and what you may need assistance with.

Your Lifestyle: What is a typical day/week/weekend like for you? Are you a graduate student with a busy schedule on a tight budget? A mom of toddlers with very little ‘me-time’? An athlete? Keep your regimen practical and relevant to you.

Your Hair Goals: Do you want to retain more length? Are you transitioning? Whether you’re working on your thinning hairline or split ends, or you have breakage, dryness issues, or even want to maintain what you have. Your goals are a great way to help you plan and to inspire you to keep going on your journey.

Your ‘Hairsonality’: What does your hair like? What works for one person’s hair may not work for yours, so listen to what your hair is ‘saying’, it’s not always about what the latest trend in hair care is. What is your hair type? Now, I don’t necessarily follow the numbering system, but it’s a useful exercise to see if the regimen of persons whose hair looks similar to yours can work for you (or if they wear a similar hairstyle to yours, such as locs). Also based on the type of hair you have you can decide honestly what can be in your regimen. I for one know that I don’t really have ‘wash and go’ hair, I have ‘wash and fro’ hair, #keepinitreal LOL so I would not try to incorporate a “wash and define curls and head out for the day” session into my regimen, it just has never really worked on my hair.

I will do another post soon on my own hair regimen so you can see how I sectioned everything out, but until then, take a few minutes to sit and consider these questions and make some notes and soon you’ll be on your way to developing an iron-clad hair regimen!

(yes there's more! =) in Part 2)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Coo Coo for Afro Puffs!

I LOVE AFRO PUFFS!! There's just something about fluffing my puff, slapping on some big earrings and stepping out for the day, or getting all dressed up for a fancy occasion and having a huge puff that makes you really stand out! If I could, I'd wear puffs everyday, but alas, everyone's hair is different and though some people can wear their hair loose all the time with no problems, my hair just cannot take it! It just thrives better when its put away in protective styles - it can't take the constant manipulation (braiding the hair at night and doing the puff again next day), added to the fact that my edges are naturally a bit thin and easy to break off so I really should go easy on the headbands ... so I have to settle for occasional puffs *insert pout here*

When my hair was shorter it was easy to just comb my hairline upwards slip on the headband and go, but as my hair grew I had to figure out a way to do a puff that minimized the amount of hair that came out while trying to do this style. Here's a step by step tutorial on how I do my perfect afro puff:

1. I start off with hair that is in large plaits. These are just the plaits I slept in overnight.

2. Undo the braids one at a time starting with the middle of your head. Comb out each braid when you undo it. As you unloose each braid secure the combed out hair in a ponytail holder before moving on to another braid.

3. Work your way outward from the middle of your head leaving the braids at the hairline for last. 

4. Comb up complete. By now you hair should be combed out and secured in a ponytail. It sounds like a tedious process combing out and securing each braid one by one but it is worth it because you lose ALOT less hair and the front/sides of your puff lay very smooth. 

5. (Optional Step). Apply Gel right around your edges and then use your hands to smooth your hair. You can do puffs without gel, they are just as cute, but the gel gives it a more polished finish in my view.

6. I use the Goody or Scunci ‘ouchless headbands’. When I buy them, I stretch them out a bit first so they aren't as new and don’t feel as tight. I place the headband around my neck and then double it if necessary.

7. Bring the headband up and set into place.

8. Do any last minute brushing now - If your hair is fuzzy like mine, stuff has already started going on since you smoothed on the gel =)

9. Gently slide the head band up a couple inches but not too far back yet or it will slip off.

10. Undo the ponytail at the back and then continue sliding the headband back. Don't carry it all the way up, leave it as high or low as you think suits you. I usually just carry it up about 1-2 more inches. Leaving the band half way like this makes the puff on top look bigger than a normal ponytail.

11. Shake vigorously =)

12. After a good shaking, use your hands to gently fluff the hair on the top to get a roundish shape. Don’t stress if it is not completely round at first. I usually find that my puff looks really crazy when I just do it but, after a while, especially if my hair is a little bit damp, the shrinkage just makes the puff neaten itself out after I walk around the house a bit.

13. (Optional Step) If you used gel you may want to place a scarf around the edges to set the wave pattern. Ideally, use a scarf made of satin, silk or any other hair friendly material, not a cotton-type scarf. I leave my scarf on for at least 10 minutes while I get ready, but I guess the longer the better. If I'm getting ready to go out I just leave it on while driving there and remove it before I get out of the car.

14. I also mist the puff lightly with my moisturizing spritz. It causes my puff to shrink slightly but it does keep my hair soft all day and makes it easier to comb out when I get home.

So there you have it! You can use this same method to make a ponytail in natural hair (Just do steps 1 - 4). After you do this method a few times it becomes really easy, and you get through it much faster. If you have suggestions or questions don't hesitate to comment below! This is how I do MY afro puff. What method do you use?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Nappiversary to meee!

Today September 9th 2012 marks eight years since I chopped off my relaxer and began this journey - the return of my hair to its natural glory.

Someone asked me the other day if I was ever going to relax again. Right now as it stands, I cannot find a reason why I would want to put a chemical in my hair, so unless something changes drastically in my brain, yes I will be wearing my hair natural from now on. As much as I love my natural hair I have to admit that it has been rocky at times. I am not going to delude anyone into thinking that this has always been smoooooth sailing, because it hasn’t. I too have felt frustration and discouragement. What gets me through the rocky times is that no matter how frustrated I get, when I weigh the pros and cons of wearing my God-given hair versus the “creamy crack” the scales always tip towards natural for me. 

Of course, to each his/her own, and there are many who chose not to wear their natural hair texture, for their own personal reasons, I can only speak for me - and for me I no longer have the desire to wear my hair straight (whether by relaxing or heat). I have so much fun expressing my creativity through my natural hair! And now I am at a point in my journey where I know what my hair likes, I am used to its varied moods and I can manage them accordingly.

To those who may just be starting out on a natural journey or a healthy hair journey in general, my advice to you is: patience is key! It may take time to reach the goals you have set for your hair, it will take time to incorporate healthy hair practices into your regimen so that they become habitual or second nature, and I am being real here, it may even take time before you like the hair on your head (for those who might have just done the “big chop” or are going through transitioning). But believe me eventually with the right attitude, an open mind and a willingness to do what it takes to gain the necessary knowledge, skills and tools, you too can have a happy hair journey.

Happy Nappiversary to me! I am still learning, I am still growing, and I am still loving my naps more and more each day!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Product Feature - Baby Bottom Balm

Last, but by no means least, the Baby Bottom Balm is our featured product for today. This balm is a wonderful petroleum jelly substitute for anyone wishing to avoid the use of petrochemical derivatives. Use it to create a protective, soothing barrier on baby’s bottom at diaper-changing time, or use it any place you'd use petroleum jelly as a multi-use balm for the whole family:
-      To replace lip balm
-      To smooth dry patches of skin and rough areas such as elbows, hands, feet
-      Apply with a cotton ball as an effective make-up remover (especially for waterproof mascara!)
-      Around your hairline when coloring your hair so the color doesn’t stain your skin or drip
-      For those who live in frigid climates, use as a protective sealant from the drying effects of the cold
-     If you moisturize and then seal your hair using petroleum jelly, or use it for baggying your ends why not try this all-natural alternative!

The main ingredient is sunflower oil infused with chamomile and calendula flowers. Sunflower oil is considered the ideal oil for delicate skin and babies’ skin. It improves and strengthens the natural skin barrier and prevents the development of skin infections and dry skin conditions. Chamomile, widely known to have a calming effect on the mind, can also calm the skin and reduce inflammation. Used for centuries on everything from insect bites, burns, cuts and scrapes to acne, psoriasis and eczema, Calendula flowers, though extremely gentle are effective in promoting healing, as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.

The balm is 100% natural, it contains no petroleum, no artificial colouring, fragrance or preservatives. It’s available in the unscented formula or in two essential oil scents.

I do hope you enjoyed this product feature series, if you missed any of the days, be sure to go back and look over all the features! If you have any questions about any of the products made by “Just Bee You!” Beauty Products, feel free to contact us or to leave a comment under one of the features. 

Very, very soon we have three new products being released so look out for that! Yes, that includes the shampoo and conditioner … I know, I know, I’ve been saying that for a while now but you know we wont let you have it until we are COMPLETELY satisfied with it =)  because you deserve the very best!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Product Feature – Cocoa Shea Skin Smoothie

Research has shown that our skin (the largest organ in the body and our first line of defense) is permeable to many chemicals and that significant amounts of cosmetic ingredients penetrate the skin and end up in the blood stream...what are you rubbing on your skin/scalp everyday? Hopefully after today’s feature it will be the Cocoa Shea Skin Smoothie by “Just Bee You!” Beauty Products!

Our Skin Smoothie is formulated with pure cocoa butter, unrefined shea butter, nourishing plant oils and emollients, to moisturize and soften your skin without harmful chemical ingredients. Just a small amount of this rich cream softens rough dry skin and keeps it velvety smooth all day. This gentle formula is safe for use on adults or children. Ideally you should use this body cream after a shower or bath while the skin is still slightly damp, which allows your skin to better draw in the softening properties of the product. However this product is great for hydrating whenever you need it. This product is very rich, so a little goes a long way, only a small amount needed!

Use the Cocoa Shea Skin Smoothie:
- to soften rough areas, such as elbows, knees and heels
- massage on problem areas regularly to minimize the appearance of scars, stretch marks and blemishes
- rub on daily to smoothe out and remove unsightly dark areas from your ‘rear-end’ =)
- use as a “Belly Butter” for expecting moms
- pamper tired feet with an overnight “treatment” – before bed, apply a generous amount of smoothie to your feet, put on a pair of thick soft, socks and wake up with supple feet next day!

just a teaser =) skin smoothies in progress!

This product contains no mineral oil, no artificial colouring or fragrance. Since the product contains water, it was formulated with a mild preservative, which is paraben and formaldehyde free. The cream is  customizable – for example, non-almond users can switch out the sweet almond oil for another oil and you can choose to add fragrance to the product if you desire, although the natural chocolatey smell of the cocoa butter is quite lovely!

The series ends tomorrow, you've been with us all week, don't miss the end of it! We'll talk about the Baby Bottom Balm tomorrow...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Product Feature – Herbal Sachets

If you're looking for new ways to boost your hair regimen, I would definitely suggest regular herbal rinses - it’s an easy way to reap the benefits from the many wonderful herbs Nature provides for us.

Soothe your scalp with gentle chamomile, restore hair’s natural lustre with rosemary and nourish the hair with horsetail, rich in hair-strengthening silicon. And don’t forget nutrient-rich nettle and the powerhouse of antioxidants – rooibos. These herbal sachets are little a nutritious all-natural ‘tea-break’ for your hair!

For maximum effectiveness, catch the hair rinse in a bowl as you pour it over your hair. Then repeat the rinse several times to ensure full coverage. Be sure to get some of it on your scalp as well. Rinse out if you’d like or leave it in for maximum benefit.

And if you’re a bit lazy =) sorry busy and find it inconvenient to do the rinses, why not steep the herbal sachets and apply the liquid to your hair with a spray bottle? You can even keep the bottle in the fridge and use it as a daily refresher for your hair (only make enough of the liquid to be used within in a week since the liquid will begin to go bad).

I do hope you enjoyed our product feature today, Next up is a crowd favourite - The Cocoa Shea Skin Smoothie is in the spotlight tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Product Feature – Oils ‘n’ Herbs Hair & Scalp Oil

We’re half way through this 7-day series where we feature a different product made by “Just Bee You!” each day. The product we’ll talk about today I honestly believe belongs on everyone’s dresser =) It transcends so many hair types and styling options from close cropped fades, to afros or locs and bone straight relaxers.

Chock full of natural goodness, the Oils ‘n’ Herbs Hair and Scalp Oil delivers luxurious hair, a healthy scalp and adds radiant shine! It’s formulated with: coconut oil (one of the few oils which penetrates the hair shaft to strengthen from within), extra virgin olive oil infused with a blend of vitamin-rich herbs to condition and strengthen the hair, and a special essential oil blend which is both stimulating and nourishing to the scalp.
One of the BEST things about this product is that it’s a MULTI-USE product! Here are some of the various uses for Oils ‘n’ Herbs and I am sure as you begin to use it you can come up with many more!
Oils 'n' Herbs - the ultimate multi-tasker!

- Use to ‘oil’ your scalp or for scalp massages to stimulate the scalp
- As a sealant: apply onto freshly moisturized or slightly damp hair to seal in moisture
- Instead of ‘oil sheen spray’ try rubbing a small amount of this oil on your hair for radiant shine
- Warm the oil and use as a hot oil treatment
 Add some into your favourite deep conditioner to “beef it up” a bit
- Ran out of massage oil/ body oil? Oils ‘n’ Herbs can be a suitable substitute  =)
- Apply and leave in for at least 1/2 hour as a “pre-shampoo” treatment then wash and condition as usual
- For those with naturally curly/coily hair who do ‘dry detangling’, apply to your hair to provide extra slip
- If you use a relaxer, apply onto the entire length of your hair, concentrating on the ends (avoid new growth) to prevent over-processing of your ends /damage from overlapping relaxers.

Whenever my hair needs a little “pick me up” I give it a light mist of Herbal Hair Spritz (sometimes I skip the spritz and still receive good results) and then apply OILS 'N' HERBS throughout my scalp and hair, put on a plastic cap, then my satin cap and go to bed - can we say SOFT hair  next day!

This product is 100% natural and contains no mineral oil, no preservatives or artificial fragrance. You can also customize it according to any of our available options – scalp health formula, growth stimulation formula, strength formula, extra gentle formula (for children/babies) or extra peppermint.

What uses can YOU come up with for the Oils ‘n’ Herbs? Share your ideas below! While you’re thinking about it, come back tomorrow for the next Product Feature: Herbal Sachets.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Product Feature - Shea and Herbs Hair Butter

I had some internet issues yesterday (and still am) sooo I’m featuring two JBY products today, so that hopefully by tomorrow God-willing if my technical issues are ironed out we can be back on schedule. Let’s look at the Shea and Herbs Hair Butter, which was the first product I started experimenting with years ago, so it has a special little space in my heart!  =)

The Shea and Herbs Hair Butter is a rich blend which includes a generous dose of unrefined shea butter, herbal infused oils and other nourishing ingredients, such as honey. Shea butter as many may know, does not only contain beneficial vitamins and minerals, but also absorbs slowly into the strands strengthening them from within.

Shea and Herbs Hair Butter contains a generous amount of shea butter

I usually recommend this (as opposed to the Hair Souffle) for relaxed or pressed/flat-ironed hair since it does not contain water which may cause heat-styled hair to revert. Anyone who uses ‘grease’ for any reason in your regimen – on your scalp, as a sealant, replace your jar of conventional “grease” with this product.

The Shea and Herbs Hair Butter contains no petroleum or mineral oil; no artificial fragrance or colouring or preservatives and it’s also customizable.

Tomorrow we’ll feature Oils ‘n’ Herbs Hair and Scalp Oil, so stay tuned!

Product Feature - Herbal Hair Spritz

Does your hair need a liquid fix? Herbal Hair Spritzes are just the thing for you! 

So many people constantly battle dry, crispy hair. While many factors can contribute to dryness, including the very structure of curly/coily hair or even the weather, a major reason is: many people don’t moisturize their hair =) I know it sounds crazy but many of us still believe that “grease” or even oil can ‘moisturize’ our hair. Picture this: It’s a really hot day, you’re sitting under an umbrella at your beach of choice, and you’re soooo thirsty! You could really do with a glass of cold, refreshing butter to quench your thirst….Yes something’s wrong with that picture, but it’s the same thing we do to our thirsty hair all the time!
Your liquid fix! 

I will do a post on the best way to moisturize your hair very soon, but for now just remember this – water moisturizes, oils/butters nourish and seal in moisture. So it’s important to have water or a water-based product in your regimen. The Herbal Hair Spritz is just that – it’s a water-based, moisturizing hair mist formulated with herbal extracts, aloe vera and essential oils, and it’s the perfect treat for thirsty tresses!

Apply a light mist to hair as a daily moisturizer, or layer it under one of our hair creams/butters for longer lasting moisture. I use this product as a moisturizing spritz/leave-in conditioner and as a mild detangling aide. If I plan to wear my hair out in a puff for the day, a light mist of this spritz keeps my puff soft, prevents it from drying out too much during the day and makes comb-out in the evening a lot easier.

This is also a great product for transitioners who need to soften new growth to prevent breakage, or for persons who have a relaxer and want to keep their new growth soft in order to stretch the time between relaxers.

Loc wearers can use this to prevent stiff locs or itchy scalp, as it’s light and won’t create build-up or lint.

You can even use it as a braid spray. If you use it faithfully while wearing the your protective styles (like braids/weaves) when you remove it your hair will be moisturized! And it keeps itching at bay!

The Herbal Hair Spritz is customizable into any of our available options, I like it in “extra peppermint” for more ‘zing’ when I spritz it into my scalp!

The Product Feature Series continues for the entire week, come back tomorrow when we highlight the Shea and Herbs Hair Butter.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Product Feature - Shea and Aloe Hair Soufflé

We’re just getting things started here and I thought it would be a good idea to start off talking about each product so that you the readers can get valuable information on each of the products we make. So for the next seven days I will feature a different JBY product on each day. First up - the Shea and Aloe Hair Soufflé!

The Shea and Aloe Hair Soufflé is a creamy, fluffy blend which includes unrefined shea butter, aloe vera gel (from the aloes in my backyard by the way =)) herbal infused oils and other nourishing ingredients, which provide long lasting moisture and nourishment for your hair and scalp.

If you have coarse, Type 4abc or even 4z hair =) that is in need of moisture, this may be the product for you. This cream is EXCELLENT on curly, coily, kinky hair types but can be used on any hair type craving moisture. It’s very rich, so a little goes a long way!

freshly mixed Shea and Aloe Hair Soufflé

Here’s how I use this – On “wash-day” after my shampoo and condition or deep-condition, while my hair is still damp, I apply this product to my hair in sections, comb through and place my hair in large twists or plaits to air dry. I kid you not - most of the time I do not need to add any hair cream to my hair for days, sometimes until next wash-day (the following weekend) because my hair stays moisturized. If the weather is particularly hot or I walk around in the sun a lot that week, the most I will need to do is spritz my hair a little bit, we’ll talk about the Herbal Hair Spritz later…

The Shea and Aloe Hair Soufflé  contains no petroleum or mineral oil; no artificial fragrance or colouring and it’s customizable into any of our available options – scalp health, growth stimulation, strength, extra -gentle (for children/babies) or extra peppermint.

Be sure to come back tomorrow for the next Product Feature - Herbal Hair Spritz, in the meantime, are you in love with Shea and Aloe Hair Soufflé? Share your experiences below!